The men of my church included a large cross section: From men who didn't want to be involved to those who led in a grand manner.
Some men, when asked to say a public prayer, would always say the same prayer. The SAME prayer. I was so exact that I could recite it with them. It was a journey to the land of "Guide, Guard and Direct Us". Here is a prayer made up of the phrases that I remember most:
"Heavenly Father
We thank thee for all the many blessings that you have blesses us with.
We thank thee for sparing our lives so that we can gather again to worship Thee.
We thank you for the rain that we have received.
As Brother Smith is about to bring us a message from your word, give him a ready recollection of the the scriptures.
Father, we pray for all those that is our duty to pray for the world over.
We ask for your forgiveness for any sins we may have committed, sins of omission or commission.
Guide, Guard and Direct us and if it be your will, bring us back at the next appointed time.
In Jesus Name
It is like the old joke. Each man could have been given a number and just say, "Now we will pray #14." Everyone could just set silently reciting his prayer in our mind and then say, "Amen".
As a kid I always dreaded hearing, "Let's stand and Brother Hamm will lead us in prayer." He could outlast us all with a prayer longer than the sermon! He would quote scripture to the Lord as if he thought God may have forgotten!
Riley Taylor was one of our song leaders. I always enjoyed service when he led, but as a child, I only knew him as a "song leader". I was much more impressed later in life when I realized that he was also the Muskogee County Clerk. We sometimes forget that kid who only see adults in one setting (like church) can't get a handle on who these people are. It is even more impressive now when I think about him trying to teach us boys to be song leaders. I was about 10 years old and it certainly didn't "take" on me. He was, however, the first person to encourage me to get up in front of a group of people. Now when i speak before people, I have Riley Taylor to thank.
Role Models
One of the ministers that had the biggest impact on me was Johnny Mahan. He was not just a preacher for a Haskell church, he was well liked in the community as a little league coach, an active parent with kids in school, and as one who participated in local civic events. he showed me the importance of being a well rounded person and not just a religious one. Before him, I thought that religious people were only interested in spiritual things.
When I think of the church leaders of my childhood, the first that comes to mind is Cy Willis. I knew that he was a successful business man because he bought a new Chevrolet every year. More than that, I noticed that he was someone who people listened to and respected. besides being one of the church's leaders, he served on the School Board and was involved in the community. I am sure that he had some fellow "brethren" who thought he tried to "run things" (don't all church leaders get accused of that?), but as an eight year old, I was impressed.
I always paid attention when he spoke. he was a man "worthy of respect" and was joined by others, of the same mold. They were men like Solus Wisdom and John Mackey, who worked hard as farmers, yet teach a Sunday School class of fourth grade boys. These men were my role models, and I was luckier than I knew. After all the 50s was a time more conducive than today.
People weren't as openly critical about everything and everybody as is true today.
I now look at these men as examples of what I should be, and I also see the influence they had on those who followed. I am partial, of course, but I believe my dad must have watched Cy Willis too, for in later years I felt that he took many of the traits that Mr. Willis had. But isn't that the way it is supposed to be.
Church is about doctrine, faith, religious sacrament and all, but it also needs to be about role models.
See, Kids do other things in church besides playing "under the sheets" with song books. Sometimes we pay attention.
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